Benefits of Organized Sports for Young Children
Organized sports has several benefits that will play an important role in your child development, regardless of which sport it is. These factors are as follows: Number 1. sports will keep you child active and healthy; Number 2. playing in a team will develop a sense of teamwork; Number 3. promotes friendly competition amongst team members; and Number 4. creating realistic expectations for each player and set attainable goals.
Participating in organized sports promotes the importance of physical fitness which leads to healthier growth, especially for young children. Physical activity develops the understating and implementing and a skill during game time. Also, develops agility, coordination, endurance and flexibility. Nutrition is also key in staying healthy at an early age which promotes self respect. Remember, food is needed to survive. The amount of food should be measuring to get accustom in eating small portions, to stay clear of health issues, such as obesity and other serious health challenges at an early age.
Friendly competitions is important to develop at a very young age. Competition also, builds self confidence and brings awareness of the child self capabilities. Team belonging also develops, self identity and promotes personal and social development. The amount of competition should be kept at a minimal level, though. The learned skills implemented with new skills gets easier and becomes an optimistic pattern, similar as a healthy habit. Showing my children the benefits of healthy competition, has developed their self capabilities, brought awareness and boasted their self confidence and team placement belonging. In fact, this has helped them to the point, they are identifying the strengths in themselves as in their team mates, that they are suggesting what positions to play for each teammate during game time.
Setting realistic expectations is key, and setting attainable goals must be achieved, closer the end of a season. It is also important to learn to move ON after a defeat or loss. This is critical lesson to understand at an early age, and motivate the child to stay away from these type of situations as an adult. These are all extremely valuable lesson, as the child will carry into adult hood.