Hоw Do Mеn Dеаl With Strеѕѕ? Part 2
A few weeks ago, we discussed how to identified what stress you, and what are its affects and results (How do men deal with stress part 1 here). In Part II, we will discuss how, in a few steps, to change negative stress, into positive stress, and to learn how to deal and use stress to your advantage. We need to determine first, and acknowledge to review the origin of that stress. This may take a few days to sort out. The second step is to focus on the stress in a relaxed atmosphere, and back track the originating episode. You will astonish your self in this exercise of the images acquired, and remember to make a mental note of the visual feel that resonates. You will be able to change the outcome, to a more favorable and tranquil out come. Keep in mind you can not change the memory. However, you can the feeling and the emotions that generated the stimuli to your favor.
Change your perception of the event is the third step. Use you state of well-being, anchor and transfers a positive feeling into the episode. This will take you back in time and your time line will re-arranged the emotions and outcome. Attempt to execute the same process with the stressors most significant, you will see them in a different/positive perspective. Also, try changing obvious daily routines and appearance, is the forth step. Dress sharper, wear recently buffed shoes, and iron the dress shirt slower for cleaner creases. This will subconsciously automatically change your outlook, you perception and will boost your confidence. Lead by example, will open doors you never though would open for you, and will magnetize positive energy from other people. Think about this for a moment, back track the countless instances, you could of changed the outcome in stressed citation to your advantage, and all it took is a well ironed dress shirt, or you shaved with a new shaver, or you finally took out the new socks. Use what works for you, and refrain from the dwelling in the past and hurtful verbiage. Note them, and move on to the next.
Finally, use the activities that draws your attention, call a friend, read a book, change the routine of your work out, and my favorite, spend time with your kinds and wife, and treasure their presence for ever. I hope these tips are useful and if I did not mentioned a tip you are practicing, that is okay, as long as it works for you and influences you positively. Thank you for your loyalty and live long and prosper.