My personal rearing and work experience including my college journey lessons have cultivated the guidance in how to raise my children to be confident.
How I Raise My Children To Be Confident
My wife and I are raising our kids much in the similar ways she and I were raised, with parallel ideals, principles, norms and values we both learned from our parents, so they also develop into self-confidence individuals. Along with our own specific modifications which include balanced discipline, optimistic individuality development, encourage and allowing playing time, and sustain their reliability to seek and approach my wife or myself at any time for emotional and sentimental support without judgement. This mutual alignment and combination of these elements to support and praise has let to building our children’s confidence.
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Balanced Discipline
My mom was raised with leniency and loving environment. My dad, on the other hand, was raised in a strict and disciplined environment. My wife’s parents were also raised in similar environments. The combination of both, my parents and my wife’s parents ideals, principles, norms and values they learned from their parents, has cultivated the guidance in how to raise our children to be confident, and incorporating our own revision. This revision is a balanced discipline plan. Our ultimate goals is for our kids to learn early the measure-ability of their actions will have consequences, resulting in limited access to their electronic devices and toys.
Individuality Development
Another factor we are implementing in raising our kids to be confident is encouraging their optimistic individual development. Each one of our kids are unique and have their own individual characters. My wife does things at home as she was taught and then does them her way. I as well myself, I also do things at home as I was taught and then do them my way. This does not mean that her way or my way are wrong, we just do things our way. Once my wife or myself teach our kids how to do something, we encourage them to do it their way. This is the fundamental principle we are teaching our kids to build their individual confidence.
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Encourage Playtime
The third component we are applying in raising our kids is providing ample play time. This is a crucial and beneficial part of our kids development. They will be kids for a very short period of time, and we must allowed them to be kids, and act their age to play at their leisure, once of course their chores and homework are completed. It kinda makes no sense to get our kids toys they will not play with, so we try to get each child toys they have expressed they like and stick to that has worked great so far.
Emotional Support & Praise
Lastly, my wife and I are constantly telling our kids to seek and approach either of us, at any time, with anything they need for our emotional and sentimental support. Embedding this reliability strengthens our kids initiative to reach out to one of us constantly. Correspondingly, we consistently reinforce their initiative, elude passing negative judgement and always praise them kindly with affection.
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Final Reflection
Our mutual blend of principles embody a balanced discipline, encouraging optimistic individual development, the allowance of playing time, their approach-ability to seek my wife or myself at any time for emotional and sentimental support without negative judgement, and praising them with kind affection, has become the blueprint of fundamental principles we are teaching our kids to build their individual confidence.
How do you support you kids to be confident? I would really like to hear your ideas. Kindly drop me a note in the comment section below.
Christopher Burns says
Truly inspiring. Your a good dad and be proud in that.
Edgard says
Thank you so much, Christopher.