My first semester back in college was better then I expected. The atmosphere of an academic institution motivated me on many ways, and no matter what obstacles I encounter, I WILL overcome them all. The best past of going back to school is the learning factor and developing a study schedule. I also indistinctly realized how I learn new material. I am a visual, phonetic and tactical learner (if the material is mathematics). During the middle of the semester, I started using these learning techniques and I passed better than I expected.
Reflection: First Semester Back in College, What I Learned.
Showing up for class is easy; however, the not so easy part is studying outside of school time. Studying became a challenge in it’s self. This actually motivated me to figure out, after attempting to study during different times of the day, how to study & learn. I quickly realized that my brain is the sharpest late at night, after the kids are in bed. I get more done late at night, then studying during the entire day.
Approximately during the middle of the semester, I saw a student at the end of class, reading through written notes. I asked the student to compare notes. The student simply stated: “reviewing of notes at the end of class helps me remember in detail what the professor’s lessons was about, thus less time studying at home.” While implementing this simple technique and paying more attention in class. I quickly figured out that if I focused all my efforts (visually and listening), meaning paying close attention at the professor’s explanations and by focusing on listening acutely, I was able to get the full spectrum of the given lesson. Once I tested this theory at home, my grades actually started to get better at test time.
The last aspect that I learned during my first semester back is that college is very, very difficult. The hard part in college is learning the material and being testes on it right after learning it, if you learned it. While working in the private industry for over 13 years, I acquired little knowledge. Work is a repetitive task (most of the time); depending on the field that you are in, there may be days with a few changes and adjustments. Not in college, college is dynamics with every semester been different. Every semester entails new subjects, new materials and new projects. I believe what I have realized & learned through this first semester back, has armed me with learning capabilities with visual and phonetic techniques that I will not only help me in succeeding college, but in every other aspect of my life.
Are you thinking in going back to college, if so, I would love to hear your path. Kindly drop me a note in the message area below.