What are the items your kids focus their undivided attention on during their free time? Mine always gravitate towards their cell phones, tablets and Wii. In our advanced society, we are all overloaded with electronic devices and new technology. At home, we use these devices to reward their good grades in school & chore completion. Our main objective is to teach them that responsibilities must me fulfilled before play time.
I grew up in a different time. In the 80’s Central America, the best part of the day for us kids was gathering the baseball gear and play a baseball game with the neighborhood kids for hours on end. Play time for me was, playing hand ball in the middle of the street. The streets were blocked and it was safe to play and run about. We had a perfect system, the older kids played hand ball, while the neighborhood girls took care of the younger kids with fun activities. All the parents knew the other parents and their respective kids. No one ever got lost. If hurt you were taken care off by another parent. Unfortunately, times and people have changed and our kids have suffered the consequences.
STOP Raising Lazy Kids
Although times have changed, we don’t want this to be an excused to raise lazy kids. When we have free time, my wife & I, always initiate play time out doors. It could be as simple as throwing a Frisbee, or playing catch on our front lawn, or the kids riding their 3 wheel skateboard. When more time is available, we head to the park and let them run around in a safe environment. Yes, I do understand that money can be tight and that we cannot always enroll them in as many extra curricular activities as we might want. However, finding things to do is our tool for not raising lazy kids.
Your kids are a mirror images of yourself. They will act exactly as you do, they will imitate your temperament, use same actions, use the same verbiage. Its scary when you realize how you can influence your kids. I have nothing against technology, I understand that technology is important and it’s a useful tool for their future. Yes, we allow our kids to use their electronic devices after their chores are done within pre-set limits. Simply, we do not want to raise lazy kids. It took a few years to realize, as parents, we were lazier than our kids. However, I have learned that the initiative starts with you. Let me hear from you, how do you initiate active play with your kids?